Thursday, January 6, 2011

Its been quite a while since I've written anything. Sorry for not keep you updated. I'm just going to blame it on the holidays.

I thought I would share my goals for the new year. I don't like the word resolution. Anytime you hear that someone has made a new year's resolution you assume its just something they are going to give up on by February. So I made goals. Not just for me but for my kids as well. And not for the whole year. I wanted to hold myself accountable and revisit my goals in the middle of the year. So my goals are as follows from January through June of 2011.

*Practice wellness by drinking less soda and more water, taking daily vitamins and getting enough rest.
*Pray and regain my relationship with God
*Ask for help when I need it
*Get my Aesthetics' license
*Remain patient and positive
*Take the time to stop and enjoy wonderful moments and things accomplished

I also made goals for my son and daughter. I have these goal taped to my bathroom mirror so I see them everyday and I can diligently work on them.

Someone I know had a great idea of having a word for the year. Something to focus on. My dad chose "Health", my step mom chose "Play". I chose "Progression". I want to continue making all the right little choices to ultimately get to where I picture myself...and them keep going. I don't want to stop, look back or wonder if. I just want to keep progressing.

What would be your word for the year?

Happy new year. Its gonna be a good one.


Cassy said...

"Chill Out" Ok, that's 2 words, but what can I say? I do need to chill more and let my kids be kids and do things their way sometimes :)

Molly said...

Those are great goals! My word will be "organized." I When my home and time feel organized, I am much happier. It will help me stress less.

Kristin said...

Love this!! I totally did this too! Mine is strength but I love years! Hope this year brings you much happiness and many blessings!!

Trinity said...

Cassy: I am with you on that one. The word "no" comes out of my mouth way too often.
Molly: Thank you for sharing. I read your blog yesterday and my prayers are with you. You are so strong. Let me know what I can do.
Krisin: Strength is such a good word. I know you are such a good mommy and I hope this new year brings you tons of strength and support!

Ally said...

Glad to see you writing on your blog, i love to read some of your thoughts & hear what is going on with you & your babies. Love the goals, I'm doing monthly ones. Love ya.