Picture this: A worn out woman leaves work in a hurry to go pick up her children from day care. She picks up her kids, both of whom are very happy to see her. As she gets ready to leave day care and go home she tells her son to hold her hand cause its time to go bye bye. Her son falls on the floor and starts sobbing... After a lot of effort she finally gets him to the door, lets go of his hand to open it and he falls on the floor again. She says "get up, lets go bye bye". He says no! After being watched by several employees like she beats her child at home or something, a teacher picks him up and helps her to the car. THE END.
That is what my day looked like from about 5:30 to 5:45 this evening. Its new. He just started doing it. Great that he loves day care! That makes me very happy! Not so great that he feels like temper tantrums are the best way to act in any situation however. He's never been a tantrum throwing kid. So I'll blame it on the other kids influence. (Always better to blame other peoples parenting skills then your own) I'm kidding!
But seriously, it was like night and day. He wasn't doing this yesterday or last week. All of the sudden it started. And to be completely honest, I'm not quite sure how to nip this one in the bud. With a baby in my arms and a defiant toddler throwing a fit on the floor, it doesn't leave me a lot of options.
I guess its something I just need to makes sure I'm folowling through on when I'm correcting at home. The best advice I've had on the subjuct so far was, "its better to be tough now and show them the right way to act, then to recorrect later." Thanks Jen.
I remember when Rayne started throwing tantrums, right after we put her in nursery (and, yes, I blamed it on the influence of the other kids). Good luck finding out what works for him!
Oh man. Good luck. And when you figure out what to do, post it on here so that we can all copy you!! I'm dreading the day when Graham starts throwing tantrums. He has mini tantrums right now, but I'm pretty sure he still doesn't know he's doing them. He just knows he wants a bottle or doesn't want to be changed and screams as a result until we're done (followed by all smiles, of course).
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